INDIANAPOLIS—So... we're married. That just happened.
It's been a long time since we wrote, and for that, we apologize. The thing is, with all the cross-country moving, wedding coordinating, and Mexican honeymooning, we just didn't have a lot of time to write in our blog. Our bad.
However, we are about to start picking up again with where we left off—literally. In the next few days, some back-posts will appear on this site, informing you of what had happened in the last few weeks, so there's that to look forward to.
Additionally, Lisa and I are pleased to announce our new address for where we're living in Taiwan, so feel free to forward gifts, offerings, and general well-wishes to this address:
10f, No. 198, Jihe Rd
Shihlin District, Taipei City 111, Taiwan
Other important information includes our newly formed Skype account. If you have it, you can go ahead and click on that little icon to the left and, magically, you will hear our happy voices and see our bring-and-shiny faces. If you don't know what that is or don't care to, it's ok; the technologically-challenged can simply dial (317) 215-0870 and reach us in Taiwan. It won't cost you any more than a regular call within the United States, so don't worry about being charged out the wazoo for dialing
Thailand Toyko* wherever we are.
In less than a week, we'll be perusing the streets of Taipei, looking for clean bathrooms, tasty treats, and amazing tales to pass back to all you good people. Thank you so much for all your love and prayers, and keep visiting Wasabi Kneesocks to find out more about Lisa and my adventures.
*Yes, I am fully aware that this Japanese city is misspelled. The question is, though, are you?
SUCH a cute picture of you two. Many happy returns, you newlyweds!
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